Acupuncture for back pain relief

Are you one of the millions of Americans who have experienced back pain at some point in your life? Back pain is a cause of missed work, increased health care costs, and worst of all – not being able to do the activities you enjoy.

Common treatments for back pain are physical therapy, pain medications, chiropractic, heat, and increasingly… acupuncture.

What you should know
Back pain, especially pain that is localized to the back, usually resolves within several weeks. The imaging studies – x-rays, CT scans and MRI scans – that many patients think are necessary to treat their back pain, do not always provide information about the actual cause for your pain.

Red flags for back pain that do signal a need for evaluation by a doctor and an imaging study are: recent trauma like a bad fall, fever or infection, loss of bladder or bowel control, and unexplained weight loss or a history of certain cancers.

Activity and exercise
Years ago, back pain was treated with bedrest, but that can actually make back pain worse. It is important to stay active and exercise to strengthen the muscles that support both the spine and the abdomen.

From an Oriental medicine standpoint, the pain you are experiencing is caused by the stagnation of your body’s energy in the areas of pain. Activity and exercise keep your Qi or energy moving.

Correcting your posture will help treat your back pain and prevent it from recurring. Primal posture is sitting, walking, doing your work or activities, and even sleeping in a way that keeps your spine in proper alignment. An excellent book on primal posture is:  8 Steps to a Pain-free Back by Esther Gokhale. Esther’s website and YouTube videos show techniques to improve your posture.

Many people wait until they have tried other options before seeking acupuncture to treat their back pain. Research studies show acupuncture is effective in treating back pain. Several treatments are usually needed depending on the type of pain and the length of time you’ve had pain. Other therapies that an acupuncturist can provide are:

  • mild electrical stimulation applied between the needles to increase the effectiveness of the acupuncture and treat back pain that travels down the leg.
  • cupping of the large muscles of the back and along the spine to relieve muscle tension and draw toxins from deep within those muscles.
  • the heat of moxibustion  to soothe pain and increase the circulation of blood in the muscles of the back.
  • Chinese herbal formulas to relieve back pain that are available in topical creams, patches and capsules.

Your acupuncturist can show you acupressure points you can use for home treatment. Some helpful points are:

GV 26 – a point that is located on the face, one third of the way down from the bottom of your nose and the upper tip of the center of your lip. Use this point for back spasms.

Ling Ku – a point on the back of your hand where the bones of the thumb and first finger meet on the fleshy part of the hand. This point treats back pain and pain down the leg. Massage this point on the hand opposite the side of your back pain.

For more information
An entertaining (and excellent!) source for more information on back pain is the video by Dr. Mike Evans or from his website.

Take-away message
Don’t let your back pain keep you from the activities you enjoy or your work. Get some relief with the help of an acupuncturist for your pain and other health concerns. And remember that “movement is the medicine” that treats back pain.

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